when it comes to buying uniquely designed furniture the contents of our wallet often are smaller than the price tags of our desired affections. Tight budgets then force us to opt for items that still leave us wanting for more. If you have had this experience, you might try to exhaust all your options to finally realize that purchasing from Ikea will give you the greatest common factor, affordability. Not that I have a problem with Ikea, oh no, I love their products and I am a huge fan of this mega retailer. I think maybe if I was the only person that ever shopped there, I would love it even more. Realizing that there are thousands of people with the same media unit in their living rooms skews my view. But, fear not my furniture friends, with some simple addition and corresponding creativity, I can assure you that 1+1=fabulous!
The Dombas wardrobe by itself has little design “tude”, but paired with a cool sticker from www.yourdecorshop.com will convince you that money does grow on trees. (idea source: from Livingect March 2010 issue, page 38)
The Besta storage unit has the beginnings of high style in gloss white, turn it up a notch by adding various styles of bun feet from www.tablelegs.com (they will even make custom styles) painted glossy white and you’ll have your own custom creation for a fraction of the cost. (idea source: Multileg cabinet by Jaime Hayon from www.thefutureperfect.com)
Here’s a simple coffee table idea, one Vika Amon white table top, 4 12” high rubber plate casters from www.castercity.com, exponential industrial cool. (idea source: coffee table from Boconcept)
Re-upholster the two back cushions of this Karlstadt daring red sofa with a vintage floral linen print from www.tonicliving.com for a flower to the power union. (idea source: Mare Sofa from www.hivemodern.com)
Here’s a credenza that’s so cute you might want to start your own line of furniture. Simply find a nice graphic and cut out the shapes from blue vinyl adhesive; stick to the fronts of the Bjursta-Sideboard, voila, geometry was never this easy! (idea source: teak sideboard from www.lucyturner.com)